SMAHPC Project

This project addresses the great need for qualified health/rehabilitation in Kosovo. The relatively poor level of quality and efficiency of health services in general in Kosovo represents an issue that is insufficiently and inadequately addressed by the current national programs, strategies and macro-policies.

The latter only partially reflect to the needs of the Kosovar society, especially to the vulnerable groups. Besides, the relatively high cost of health services represents a significant challenge endangering the overall survival of the patients and their families; this is particularly concerning, while having in mind the lack of health insurance for at least 80% of the people.  Around 200 mill. EUR were spent during 2017 by the Kosovar people in imports of health services. Such figure is considered as a very urgent alarm for the policy-makers especially to reform the health sector, especially if one were to consider that in 2017, the GDP was around 6.31 billion Euro, population of 1.7 million with 55% being younger than 30 years old, a poverty rate of 24%, a long-term unemployment rate of 30.5%, and a public budget of 1.725 billion EUR out of which only 55.9 mill. EUR were allocated to the Ministry of Health (Kosovo Statistical Office).

SMAHPC Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


Enhancement of the practice-oriented education in rehabilitation/health sciences through lifelong-learning (LLL), in line with Bologna process and collaboration with rehabilitation/health providers, ministries and industry.


To addresses the great need for qualified health/rehabilitation in Kosovo. The relatively poor level of quality and efficiency of health services in general in Kosovo represents an issue that is insufficiently and inadequately addressed by the current national programs, strategies and macro-policies.

Specific Objectives

To establish and functionalize a student-run multidisciplinary allied health practice centre by month 24

  1. To develop 1 CPD and Handbook on teaching competence: teaching competence of PA HEIs teachers and clinical supervisors by implementing a top-up LLL training by month 13
  2. To investigate and share best practice of multidisciplinary collaboration, client-based, innovation and entrepreneurship, and evidence-informed practice by month 31
  3. To develop 9 CPD courses: Competence in multidisciplinary collaboration, client-based, innovation and entrepreneurship, and evidence-informed practice in months 7-18 for piloting in month 21
  4. To establish the triangle (Advisory industry board) in health sciences comprising of representative from industry, academia and government in Kosovo by month 24
  5. To establish EU and Kosovo network for collaboration and mobility of staff for developing LLL in rehabilitation/health services supporting each other in developing and implementation of the LLL and CPD courses.